+370 699 02237 info@darboguru.lt

About Us

EU Career Experts




We specialize in recruitment of motivated and hard working, skilled workforce and highly-qualified specialists from India.

Globalization is unavoidable and western countries have successful experience employing Indian citizens to grow their business and increase competition.

With direct involvement in recruitment with partners in India we are ready to help your business grow!

We manage all the paperwork involved to satisfy the workforce request in a quick and effective manner. We collaborate with local job centres, migration departments and embassy on behalf of our customers.

Agency charges

Our company offers extremely flexible fee structure. We will analyse individual requirements and offer mutually suitable fee.

Ilma Singh

Ilma Singh


Experts in connecting skilled labour talent from India for work in Europe. We manage recruitment done in different parts of India, manage recruitment process and documentation for visa. Established strong cooperation with testing centers in India help us to select top qualification labour.  Contact us to submit your CV to start recruitment process today!

What We Do?

Career Advice & Candidate Resources

Resume  Feedback & Makeovers

Connect People with the Right Jobs for Them

Get Your Job Postings & Company Info Out to the World

We’re Hiring too!


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UAB “Darbo Guru”

Nageviciaus street 3,

Vilnius, LT- 08237



  • Ilma Singh

Tel. +370 699 02237

Email: ilma.singh@darboguru.lt

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